Thursday, November 11, 2010

November's Trippy Tales..."Thanksgiving Shadow Creature" & More!

 "Thanksgiving Shadow Creature"

(By Lindsay G @ "Your True Tales")

"This incident happened to me when I was very young, and it still chills me to the bone to this very day.

My parents, my brother and I went down to Virginia to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins for Thanksgiving. 

Since my cousins' house was full of relatives, my family got the basement to sleep in. My brother and I both got cots to sleep on and my parents on the roll-out couch. 

The basement was located on the lower level of the house and there were twin double-glass doors (covered by a thin white curtain) at the back of the basement that led into the backyard. My brother's cot was closest to these doors.

One night, I awoke and rolled over, wondering what had awakened me. For some reason, the backyard light was on and I distinctly remembered hearing my aunt say that they would turn it off so we could sleep. So why was it on? I glanced at my sleeping parents and then back at the the light shining through the white curtain.

That's when I saw it: an enormous dark shadow was standing outside. I could only see the outline of it since the curtain was drawn. It had to of been at least 9 feet tall and its "arms" (or were they wings?) were stretched out on either side, reaching at least 5 feet in length. And it just stood there! Didn't move. Didn't do anything.

Terrified, I squeaked out, "Dad!" to no avail. I looked at my father sleeping soundly on the bed next to me and then my brother sleeping close to the double doors, with that thing on the other side. Deciding to awake my brother instead, I scrambled out of the cot and went to move toward him when I heard a strange, scratching voice say, "They can't hear you, Lindsay."

I remember almost jumping completely out of my skin! 

(To be addressed directly by an unknown entity is the scariest thing to happen to you, believe me!) 

I scrambled back to my cot, tossed the covers over my head, and began sobbing and shaking uncontrollably until I finally fell back to sleep. The thing was still outside in the light when I fell asleep.

The next morning, I told my parents what happened and they just laughed, saying it was probably just a nightmare. 

I know what I saw though. I can still remember what it felt like to touch the freezing cold basement floor with my bare feet.

Later in the day, something weird happened. 

I overheard my grandmother on the phone with someone. I didn't catch everything she was saying, but I did catch a certain sentence which was: "Well maybe that is what Lindsay saw outside the double doors last night." 

I ran upstairs and asked my parents why they told everyone what I saw, and they both looked at me and insisted they didn't tell anyone because they were certain I just had a dream. 

So I confronted my grandmother and asked her about what she said on the phone and she looked at me blankly and said that she hadn't been talking to anyone on the phone, that she had been in the kitchen the entire day, helping with the preparation of the turkey. My Aunt even vouched for her.

To this day, I am mystified about what happened to me that Thanksgiving all those years ago. I know it wasn't a dream. 

And what would've happened had I thrown back the curtain to reveal what the shadow creature was on the other side?"

 "Evil In My House"
(By 2plus3 @ "Your True Tales")

"I'm a 40 year old professional and mother. My husband and I bought this house last June, but we had moved in the first of April. 

When we first looked at it, it was exactly what we were looking for - solidly built, but needing a facelift. 

The house is located on top of a hill in the middle of one acre in rural south central Arkansas, and my husband and I both work in the nearby city. 

The second time we looked at the house, I got an awful feeling in the master bedroom: I felt watched by something angry. 

The house was occupied by a young mother (she was renting) and she used the den for a bedroom and the master bedroom and bath were obviously unused. 

When I walked into the master bath, it became obvious why. 

The walk-in closet is located in the bathroom and hate just radiated from it. I'm usually pretty practical, but even after we moved in, I used the closets in the kids' rooms and wouldn't go near ours. Something in there hated me, us, everything.

 I was waking up between 4:20 and 4:23 every morning and I could smell fresh cigarette smoke, like someone was in the bedroom with us smoking. I couldn't really read the feeling I got from this entity; it seemed to be just watching and, I think, waiting.

Of course, all this time things were disappearing and showing up in places that we wouldn't - and sometimes couldn't - have put them. 

I also heard noises in the attic crawlspace, like something was scooted across the floor, but when we looked up there to do some electrical work, it was all rafters and insulation. 

Before I go into what happened in the early morning hours of Easter, let me describe my children for you...

I have a 14-year-old son and four-year-old daughter that are very much alike: imaginative, outgoing and creative. 

I also have a six-year-old son who is none of these things; he's very practical and literal. 

Both boys are very close and share a bedroom. They both sleep in a very dark room and have never been bothered by the dark.

At 4:22 Easter morning, my six-year-old came in calling to his daddy. He has never come into our room at night before. 

He told me that someone had climbed into his bed... and it wasn't his brother. 

I told him it must have been one of the cats (we have two, and yes, they "follow" things around my bedroom with their eyes) and he said, "No, because they talked to me."

I tucked him in next to his dad and checked the house.

The next day, I had his older brother talk to him about what had happened. 

He told his brother that someone big had crawled into bed with him, and at first, he thought it was his brother. 

When he said his brother's name, whoever (whatever) it was pinned him to the bed, leaned into his face and said, "I'm going to eat you for lunch!" He also stated that whoever it was had breath that smelled like "poop." 

It worried me so much that I had a friend who is Wiccan come over and help me bless the house. 

We used blessed water and sea salts. The "smoking" visitor, waking up at 4:20, and the evil feeling in the closet all went away. 

But I still feel like something is just waiting.

Is it really gone?"

 Check back daily for more spooky stories! New tales added daily!

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