Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dead Time Stories...Stories Of Haunted Beds!

Haunted Beds

Stories of beds being haunted are really nothing new. Many times people who purchase or receive old beds from others often tell strange tales of how they had nightmares since the first time they got into them to lay their heads to rest.

And as it is well known many haunted beds do supposedly exist worldwide. Some people tell stories of those poor lost souls of the dead found in their beds. Like that they were so stricken in the night by the skeleton hand of the grim reaper that the poor soul who laid his or hers, so tired and weary head upon a haunted or cursed bed... to only slumber and per chance to dream no more.

With the bed sheets and thick covers over their heads held tight, there are some some brave souls that dare to tell of the ghosts that tried to pull them into another world...

"This very haunted bed is said to rock shake rattle and even emit strange sounds. The present owners Ryan and Lynn Marmillion say they bought it because they fell in love with it... little did they know it was haunted. " You think of antiques beds as a thing of beauty and generations of peaceful sleep"' says Ryan. " you never realize that a lot of things go on in beds that can make them become haunted!"

The actual haunted bed was to be mine and my wife's... but since it's many, many ghosts have made themselves known, we have relocated it to our guest room!"

"This so very haunted bed came with the house with rented. I think the antique bed is haunted, not the house. I hear knocking on the headboard and scratching" says Steve Watson.

When my fiancé and I became engaged this past February we began looking for a place to call home...

We both grew up in the suburbs, but have always talked about finding a nice place in the city that has a more bohemian feeling.

When we found the house on Spruce Street we were sure we had just what we wanted! It's a duplex with an upper and lower.

When we went to see it, only the upper was available. We fell in love with the place right away, and liked it’s stucco walls and the wooden floors.

When the landlord showed us the apartment we could rent, we were surprised to find some furniture still in it.

Now that I think about it, the landlord sounded like he was apologizing about this, but the moment we saw the furniture we were both thrilled!

In the kitchen was one of those 50’s style dinner tables, with the metal rims and a set of four chairs covered in the most garish yellow vinyl they could find. We loved it!

There was also a huge sideboard type of thing that looked like it had once belonged to a whole dining room set and was very overdone, but there was nothing else in the room that seemed to fit it.

But the best surprise, was finding a beautiful burled wood bedroom set in the bedroom! (Or so we thought at the time!)

The bed was huge...one of those big head board affairs with carvings.

It had actual ivory inlays and the designs looked kind of like something you’d see in African furniture or Indian, maybe.

In addition to the huge bed, there was a colossal stacked chest of drawers that looks like two whole pieces on top of each other.
This is when the landlord explained that the previous owner had left all this furniture because it had been too hard to move.

When he had taken over renting the house, he just left the stuff in place hoping that whoever rented the house would like the style and keep it there. We looked it over and agreed that we would take the duplex with the furniture too, and we went about getting settled in.

But we weren’t in long, when we began to notice some strange occurrences...

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